
    Charlotte’s Best Nanny Agency not only works with families in Charlotte and the Carolinas to find great Nannies and Domestic Candidates, we also support causes and charities in the city of Charlotte and the Carolinas. As part of our mission, we are dedicated to giving back to the communities and industry we work in. Our team feels strongly about supporting the following community organizations each year, as these organizations support many families and children in the community and nanny industry. We encourage you to join us in supporting your favorite local community organization, or one of the awesome organizations below if you can. 

Atrium Health Foundation – Levine’s Children’s Hospital 

Atrium - Causes Charlotte's Best Nanny
Levine Children’s Hospital

Baby Bundles 

Baby Bundles - - Causes Charlotte's Best Nanny

This non-profit was started by three incredible moms who all experienced one of the greatest losses you can have in life – a child. This incredible organization partners with 17 organizations from around Charlotte to give “a baby shower for a mother in need for a year.” Each bundle includes the necessities every newborn and their mother needs including diapers, pajamas, blankets, toys, books and clothing. Every bundle provides for a year of their needs.

BEE Mighty

Bee Mighty - Causes Charlotte's Best Nanny

Pierce’s Project and Bee Might have merged to great a wonderful charity for NICU families in Charlotte.

About Bee Mighty

Bee Mighty was founded because to provide financial assistance to NICU kids that  may have additional challenges to overcome and milestones to reach that they may not be able to do without the assistance of therapy and/or equipment. BEE Mighty wants to be able to give these children the extra chance they deserve, regardless of financial state or circumstance of their unique birth.

Bee Mighty has provided adaptive bikes for a teenager who just wanted to ride a bike with her brother. They have provided grants for children to go to camp, built confidence through horses, provided wheelchairs, adaptive car seats, cranial bands and countless hours of physical, occupational and speech therapy.

Bee Mighty believes:

“We believe families should not have to choose!”

If therapy is the difference between your child being able to walk or talk, Bee Mighty feels families should have the right to explore care for their child without limits. BEE Mighty committed to easing the financial burden of other families whose private insurance covers a minimum of what their NICU graduate needs.

About Pierce’s Project

Pierce’s Project was founded by a former nanny who has a son who was born as a Micro-preemie named, Pierce. This charity was designed to help support families of premature or sick infants during their NICU stay. We are specifically targeting those families with micro preemies or other critically ill babies who will be spending a significant amount of time in the NICU.

BEE Mighty

Carolina Breast Friends Pink House

Carolina Breast Friends - Causes Charlotte's Best Nanny

The vision of Carolina Breast Friends is to support, encourage, and empower those in our community who are affected by breast cancer.


KinderMourn - Causes Charlotte's Best Nanny

Kinder-Mourn supports families and children that have lost a parent or child in the Charlotte Metro Area Kinder-Mourn is one of the organizations we never want our families to have to utilize. However, we are very grateful and happy to have Kinder-Mourn in Charlotte, for those times that families need them.

The Annual HOPE FLOATS Duck Race will take place at the U.S. National Whitewater Center on Sunday, April 30th. Thousands of Charlotteans of all ages will line the banks of the main channel to watch over 15,000 adopted (and adorable), sunglass wearing, rubber duckies brave the rapids towards the finish line. We have a Duck Team called Charlotte’s Best Nanny Agency’s Quackers, to join our team visit this link: We wanted to create this team to raise money and awareness for Kinder-Mourn and all this organization does for the greater Charlotte Metro Area. Please join us in supporting this wonderful organization, one duck at a time. This free, family-friendly fun event begins at 2 pm with live music, games, kids activities, and appearances by Quackers, our official race mascot!

Dottie Rose 

Dottie Rose - Causes Charlotte's Best Nanny

Dottie Rose Foundation serves to connect the dots within the technology and computer science sphere to educate, support, and inspire the next generation. Creating a supportive algorithm to close the gender gap for females in the field of technology and computer sciences.

Technology is increasingly shaping our future and becoming more important in our daily lives. Once upon a time technology used to be something we chose to learn or play with – now it’s role is central in almost everything we do. It encourages more girls to improve their technology skills to boost their own future. Increasing technology knowledge makes girls more competitive. Dottie Rose camps offer hands-on experiential learning, so kids can develop the skill set they need and explore the areas of technology that excite them the most.


Digi Bridge - Causes Charlotte's Best Nanny

Mind Body Baby

Mind Body Baby - Causes Charlotte's Best Nanny

Mind Body Baby NC was founded by four independent perinatal practitioners, who are also mothers with their own challenging postpartum experiences. Wanting to fill the gaps in community care and support that they felt, these passionate mamas are building a local village of perinatal support in Charlotte Metro area that new parents can rely on for educational resources and support.
Nanny Relief Fund - Causes Charlotte's Best Nanny

Nanny Relief Fund

We are proud supporters of the Nanny Relief Fund, started in 2020 in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic to help nannies who have lost their jobs and are in need. If you would like to join us in donating to the Nanny Relief Fund donate at:

Novant Health – Children’s Trust 

Children’s Trust

Pat’s Place 

Pat's Place - Causes Charlotte's Best Nanny

     Charlotte’s Best Nanny Agency is a supporter of Pat’s Place Child Advocacy Center. This is Mecklenburg County’s only child advocacy center, that supports children from birth to age 18. Pat’s Place provides a physical environment where a child’s well-being is our first priority, reducing trauma and promoting healing from abuse. During the year we host a Darkness to Light training with Pat’s Place and we are also hosting a Snack Drive in March of each year for Pat’s Place.

Read Charlotte

Read Charlotte - Causes Charlotte's Best Nanny

Read Charlotte is a ten-year (2015-2025) community initiative that unites families, educators and community partners to improve children’s literacy from birth through third grade. Their goal is to double the percentage of third graders reading on grade level from 39% in 2015 to 80% by 2025. If children can’t read well, they lose confidence, fail in school, and struggle in life.

Promising Pages 

Promising Pages - - Causes Charlotte's Best Nanny

All children need books in their homes in order to grow academically, but there are an estimated 60,000 children in the Charlotte area living in a book desert. Home libraries are often seen as a luxury for under-resourced children and families in our community. Promising Pages collects new and donated books and distributes them to students and organizations, with the goal of eliminating the book desert and providing a free resource to those that need it most.

Proud Members of APNA and INA

Charlotte’s Best Nanny Agency


1244 East Blvd, Suite 2D, Charlotte NC 28203 

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