Writing a Résumé That Will Stick Out

Writing a Résumé That Will Stick Out to Agencies and Families

Written by Emily Miller, Owner and Founder of Charlotte’s Best Nanny Agency


At Charlotte’s Best Nanny Agency, we have reviewed thousands of résumés and look for the best candidates for our families. We have seen outstanding résumés, and then résumés that were not so outstanding. We thought we would take a moment and write a blog on how to compose a résumé that will get the attention of agencies you are applying to, as well as families that are reviewing your resume.

A résumé can be your best friend or your worst enemy. When a recruiter or family looks at your résumé they are assessing whether or not you have the education, work history, skills, and qualifications it takes to fill the position. A résumé should be a snapshot of your professional history as it pertains to the industry you are applying for. We want everyone to have the best resume possible so we are giving you tips on writing résumés and three different styles of résumé we suggest. We hope this information is helpful to you and helps you land your dream job.


Tips for Résumé Writing

1. Pick the right type of résumé

2. Clearly, state your objective. This might change from one application to the next. So if you are applying to a nanny position, state that you are looking to obtain a nanny position. If you are applying to a housekeeping position, state you are looking to obtain a housekeeping position.

3. Add short precise bullet points for each job position and skill you list on your résumé.

4. If you have a summary at the top of your résumé, make sure it covey’s a message to the recruiter or family of why you are the best person for their position, and what skills/experience you have to make you the best person.

5. Spell Check your résumé. This goes without saying, but some candidates still send résumés with misspelled words.

6.Have a peer read over your résumé to make sure it sounds good and looks good.

7. Update your work experience. If you work experience is not up to date it may look like you have a gap in employment. Please send the most up-to-date résumé as possible.

8. Keep the résumé to 1-2 pages. It is not wise to send a 5-page résumé, as recruiters typically do not have time to read pages and pages on a résumé. Typically, the first page is what sticks out most to recruiters.

9. Make sure your contact information is professional and up-to-date. Make you’re your phone number, address, and email address is up-to-date. Ensure you are using a professional email and not meowkitty@gmail.com (This type of email address has come through our system before, you can not make this stuff up). Instead, try a professional email such as anna_smith@gmail.com. Also make sure you have the most up to date address so we can confirm the exact area you live in so we know if you would be a fit geographically for the position or not, or if you would have to relocate.

10. Let your personality shine through. Make sure your resume is presented in a neat precise manner while showing off your personality. The best way to accomplish this is through your professional summary and style of your résumé. Do not be afraid to also use a legible and creative font to make your résumé stand out. Just do not let the font take away from your résumé.

Types of Résumés

     Decide which type of résumé is right for your professional history. There are different types of résumé, so please make sure you pick the best one that applies best to your work history.

Chronological Résumé: A chronological résumé is a résumé that list your work history, starting with your most recent position and working backwards in chronological order to list all your work experience. This type of résumé is best for candidates that have had a lot of work history in the industry they are applying for. Go with this type of résumé if you have a solid work history to list in your field. If you are just starting out in your industry you might want to pick another type of résumé.

Example of a Chronological Résumé

Anna Smith
[street address], [City, ST ZIP Code], [Phone number], [E-mail address]
To obtain a Nanny Position in Charlotte, NC
[Start date] to [end date] Private Family Name Charlotte, NC
[Job Title]

·     [Job responsibility/achievement]

·     [Job responsibility/achievement ]

·     [Job responsibility/achievement ]

[Start date] to [end date] Private Family Name Charlotte, NC
[Job Title]

·     [Job responsibility/achievement]

·     [Job responsibility/achievement ]

·     [Job responsibility/achievement ]

[start date] to [end date] Private Family Name Charlotte, NC
[Company name]

·     [Job responsibility/achievement]

·     [Job responsibility/achievement ]

·     [Job responsibility/achievement ]

[start date] to [end date] Private Family Name Charlotte, NC
[Job Title]

·     [Job responsibility/achievement]

·     [Job responsibility/achievement ]

·     [Job responsibility/achievement ]

[Dates of attendance] [School name] [City, ST]
[Degree Obtained]

·     [Special award/accomplishment or degree minor]

References are available on request.



Functional Résumé: A functional résumé focuses more on your skills and experience than on your chronological work history. In this type of résumé, you would list more of your professional experience and accomplishments, rather than a chronological work history. Also in a functional résumé you would include a summary or headline at the top, which goes over your skills and achievements as it pertains to your field. The résumé may or may not feature a candidate’s work history or it might list their limited work history at the bottom as it pertains to their job field. Functional résumés are best when switching careers or candidates who have gaps in their employment history.

Example of a Functional Résumé

Anna Smith

Address, City, ST  ZIP Code | Telephone | Email


To obtain a nanny position in Charlotte, NC

Education and Certifications

Degree | Date Earned | School

  • Major: Tap here to enter text
  • Minor: Tap here to enter text
  • Related coursework: Tap here to enter text

Certification | Date Earned | Company

  • Name of certification, Expiration date if it applies.

Skills & Abilities

Early Childhood Education





Nanny | Private Family | Dates From – To

  • This is the place for a brief summary of your key responsibilities and most stellar accomplishments.

Nanny | Private Family | Dates From – To

  • This is the place for a brief summary of your key responsibilities and most stellar accomplishments.

Combination Résumé: A combination résumé is a mix of a chronological and functional résumé. At the top of the résumé, it would list a candidate’s skills and qualifications. After that, there is a brief chronological list of work history. The work history is not the focus of this type of résumé and should not take up a lot of space. A combination résumé helps you to highlight what makes you the best fit for the job, while still displaying your work history.

Example of a Combination Résumé

Anna Smith

Address, City, ST ZIP Code | Telephone | Email


To obtain a nanny position in Charlotte, NC.

Skills & Abilities

Early Childhood Education





Nanny | Private Family | Dates From – To

  • This is the place for a brief summary of your key responsibilities and most stellar accomplishments.

Nanny | Private Family | Dates From – To

  • This is the place for a brief summary of your key responsibilities and most stellar accomplishments.

Education and Certifications

Degree | Date Earned | School

  • Major: Click here to enter text
  • Minor: Click here to enter text
  • Related coursework: Click here to enter text

Certification | Date Earned | Company

  • Name of certification, Expiration date if it applies.










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